Oct 30, 2011

Happy Halloween

"Mary, get your camera ready, I want to show you something scary."
"Okay, Grandpa."

'Tis the season

Oct 27, 2011

Cup o'

Famous in my book, and now famous on the internet. Meet Prof. Joe Cory. I will save my gushing about how wonderful a professor this guy is for graduation day, but just know he's the best, and I'm a pretty big fan.

Oct 23, 2011

Meet Fall Break

Something about fall always feels more perfect than the other seasons. Like you know that Summer's over, but you still get to enjoy glimpses of it, like dresses and bikes, but with the added bonus of beautiful colors and the option to wear a sweater.

Fall break was upon us, and it felt extra perfect last weekend.

Oct 12, 2011

Meteor Shower?

Went out to a country field to watch a meteor shower Saturday night knowing full well the meteors would be few and far between since we're about 30 miles from the 3rd largest city in America. Took some pictures. I've never really played with the whole long exposure thing too much, but it was pretty fun. Please pardon my novice.

Oct 4, 2011

Haps be the day, Grandma

So glad it's finally October. Even though it probably should be Spring that makes me feel this way,  Autumn always feels like a new, fresh beginning is here. Fall always feels clean and like fresh starts are in order. Definitely true for this year.

October 1st was my grandmother's birthday, and we had a family dinner together. She turned 39.
We got her a Shirley Temple doll that she had wanted when she was a little girl. She was pretty excited. And adorable.